Eek! My first post!

Okay. Cleansing breath. I feel like this inaugural (I love that word!) post should be somehow ceremonial, yet professional, yet not too heavy…but all I can think of is, “Eek! I have a website!” So I’ll go with that. I’ve been working on this thing for an embarrassingly long time, and asked more questions than the poor help desk guys at the blog site deserve. I’m picturing them now, drawing straws to see who ends up answering my latest question and slapping the back of the poor chump who lost. But fear not, my winning friends, your turn will come. Be patient. I was way too frugal to pay someone to customize my site for me, and after all, I have a college degree lurking around here somewhere so I should be able to figure this out, right?

And figure it out I (kind of) did. I hope you love this font, and the size of it, and the color of it, and how it smells (okay, I made that up) – you wouldn’t believe how long it took just to figure out how to make it look just like this. Truly, it was as if I were working to disprove Einstein’s theory of relativity. If it can be done in one easy step, which I learned was the case, I will seek to accomplish it in twelve. I have no business pretending to know what I’m doing.

But, alas, here it is and I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! A real, live grown-up place to show you my favorite pictures and where I’ll hopefully get to meet you and where you can learn a little about me. Much of what you see here will be photography related (hello, it IS a photography site!), but from time-to-time, we might find ourselves musing off-topic about whatever strikes our fancy. Regardless, I hope that you’ll come back often to sit and enjoy a few moments with me.

So if you’ve made it this far, “Welcome!” I hope to see you again soon!

October 20, 2012 - 8:21 pm

Cheryl - Excellent start!

October 21, 2012 - 12:39 am

Theresa - Looking forward to hearing more of that Stef wit that I enjoy so much! Congratulations!

October 21, 2012 - 2:23 am

Lauri Kennemore - Fantastic, Stef! You may just corner the market with your entertaining posts alone. The photos speak for themselves.

October 21, 2012 - 6:57 pm

Karrie DiCesare - Congratulations Steph! Here’s to an amazing journey! Best wishes,

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