Bridge on my side of the world | Perry County Family Photographer

I knew there was a reason that I never put sneak peeks from this session on my facebook page. I mean, besides the fact that the kids had just started back to school and 100% of my brain function was committed to figuring out which child needed picked up where and when. Because I didn’t want to be known as the mom who left her offspring at practice until the coach started asking “What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?” because it was looking more and more likely that he/she would be going home with them for the evening.

But I digress. I must have known that I would need a first, official photography post complete with pictures that hadn’t been published before, and this session was the logical choice. When my cousin (second cousin to be exact), asked if I would take pictures of their family when they were up from Virginia for our 70ish something family reunion, it was an absolute yes. Followed by a tentative, “Where?” She’s originally from Perry County. Like a ton of other people in my family, and no, I’m not ashamed to admit it. Should I be? But after throwing several ideas around, she wisely suggested one of the restored covered bridges in Perry County. I was embarrassed that I didn’t think of it myself.

So we settled on the New Germantown Bridge outside of Blain which borders a farm owned by her extended family. My goodness, was it ever beautiful. I love all things old, and this was the perfect spot. Much to the delight of the boys, we even saw a horse and buggy drive by. And despite the fact that I allowed a solid hour to reach our destination, I discovered that New Germantown really isn’t on the other side of the world. It was only about 1/2 hour away and I want to go back. I was so fortunate to be able to spend the evening with my family that I don’t see nearly often enough and to get to know their beautiful children. I’m honored to feature them as my first official photography post!


October 23, 2012 - 1:35 pm

Theresa - Gorgeous! That horse and buggy picture is precious! Award-worthy! Can you photoshop my kids’ heads in there? I need it for my wall.

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