While you were gone Day 3 | Carlisle, PA Photographer

“Hi, this is Ryan calling from church camp. I just wanted to give you a quick call to tell you about Anna’s behavior this morning. It’s just been unacceptable…” I don’t even know what else he said, to be honest. “She must have gotten in with the wrong crowd” – yes, that must be it. “Maybe someone got pea-green with envy over her natural ginger hair and launched an unprovoked attack with scissors on my poor innocent child and she had no choice but to defend herself or be shorn to the scalp.” Yes, I feel certain that must be it.

It’s a call I never would have expected, (not regarding this child anyway) but it came from church camp, so it must be real. And then he continued, “No, I’m kidding” And then something about smacking off of a tree on the rope swing and injuring herself for which I was embarrassingly grateful. I mean, who wants to pick their kid up from CHURCH camp for conduct unbecoming? I’d much prefer an injured appendage.

Thankfully, there were no broken bones. So we got slinged up and went on our merry way. So help me, if the behavior call would have been legit, the sling would be the least of the medical assist devices she would be wearing.

Our next stop was karate. Nothing exciting, just the usual kicks, punches and rolling on the mats. Stuff that maybe Aidan will use some day when we move to the ghetto.

And then we went to the Super Buffet with Mema and cousin Abi where the kids like exciting ethnic foods like baby octopus. I’d like to throw it on the wall to see if it crawls down suction cup by suction cup like those sticky things in the little plastic bubbles out of those toy vending machines. But there were too many people around. Man, if I were at home…..

June 14, 2013 - 1:09 pm

Christy - You totally crack me up, Stef. 🙂 And I love the everyday sort of pictures.

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