While you were gone Day 4 | Cumberland County, PA Photographer

One of our stops for the day included Bedford Street Antiques to look for a special secret gift for my brand new cousin. I have a confession. Sometimes, when I go to an antique mall and am in the middle of a display of priceless breakables on shelves, I have this almost irresistible urge to just spread my arms out and start spinning around. I know, I’m not proud of it. But one thing I’ve almost mastered in my 39 years is self control so thankfully I’ve never had to be forcibly removed from any location. For this reason, I hesitate to bring children to places like this because what if they get the same urge and can’t stop themselves? Then what? Aidan, however did a fine job. His only impulse was to want to spend $29 on a bag of Star Wars promotion coins from some ancient event in California. Thankfully, he didn’t have any money.

When I was in middle school, I had a gumball machine in my locker where my friends could get a piece of gum for a nickel. Sometimes all they had was a quarter, and that was okay, too. But I didn’t make change, so I made out on those transactions. Imagine what I could have done with a machine of this size? Probably funded college.

I also had a Raggedy Ann doll that my mom made me, but it wasn’t nearly as intense as this one. There’s no way this would have sat in my room and watched over me at night, although it appears she’s had enough caffeine to be up to the task.

Our afternoon consisted of a guinea pig styling session. In the suburbs, girls practice doing hair on those little doll heads. Here in rural America, we use whatever we can get our hands on.

Aidan and Claire were very busy outside, defending our borders against dragons from their perch in the tree house.

Meanwhile, inside, my sister and I were fighting a far more sinister enemy: Pinterest recipes.

Our goal:

Nailed it. Whatever. Stupid bananas. Stupid chocolate. Stupid Pinterest.

Project 2

Our goal:

Meh. Better than the bananas.






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