A surprise for mom | Carlisle, PA Family Portrait Photographer

Well, this session was SUPPOSED to be a Christmas surprise for mom. But you know how hard it is for kids to keep a secret. Especially when that secret involves sitting on Pappy’s antique train!

I was honored to be asked by my son’s high school soccer coach to take pictures of him and his boys as a Christmas gift for his wife while she was out shopping. Of course, we took a few with Pappy, too! It was a chilly morning, but they were champs. And huge props to dad who had everyone coordinated perfectly, brought extra outfits…you name it, it was taken care of. Does this surprise me from the coach who has all of his players  line up their soccer bags behind the bench in numerical order to make them easier to locate? No, no it does not!

I think mom will be happy, don’t you?

November 22, 2014 - 7:59 pm

Cheryl Kennedy - Beautiful!

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