Cats, Yawns and Numerical Perfection | Carlisle, PA Pet Photographer

You all know how I love numbers: numbers in order, numbers repeating, numbers in a pattern. And especially interesting numbers in dates. So I got to wondering just how I would celebrate 12/13/14. The last sequential date of my lifetime. It had to be something memorable.

And then my photographer friend shared Worldwide Moment with me. It’s a website where photographers around the globe can sign up and take a picture at a precise (and noteworthy!) moment in time and post their photos so that everyone can see just what goes on around the world at one particular minute. I knew it would be the perfect way to celebrate. So I got all geared up for the big moment. At precisely 10:16am local time in Carlisle, PA, I would take my picture which would translate to a photograph taken on 12/13/14 at 15:16 GMT. I knew what I was going to do. I had my little correspondence station set up in front of the Christmas tree, started my cup of coffee brewing to include in the picture and as I was setting up the scene and figuring out the lighting, my sweet Beckham decided he wanted in on the moment. There he sat, as happy as anything while I rethought my whole image. I decided to abandon the coffee and go with my new furry prop and waited for my watch to change. As it did, I snapped my long awaited shot just as Beckham decided to yawn. It was absolute perfection beyond anything I could have planned.

So that’s the long explanation for this picture. I was so thrilled with the unexpectedness of the scene and decided that whatever celebration I could have planned to commemorate the moment couldn’t possibly touch what actually happened. Here’s to cats, yawns and numerical perfection!

December 17, 2014 - 3:46 pm

Cheryl Kennedy - Love it!

December 18, 2014 - 3:17 am

Linda Fiscus - Love it!!! Can’t wait to see more of your photos (and not just the ones of your sister and her beautiful family)! I also love numbers, patterns, cool stuff like that…

Chilly smiles | Carlisle, PA Children and Family Photographer

Oh, how I adore this family. Mom and I were pregnant at the same time (her oldest, my middle) and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing all of these beautiful kids from the time they were teeny. And some were VERY teeny! I always love being with them and am surprised that one of them is now as tall as I am. <gulp!> Despite the sub freezing temperatures, they did awesome – even the littlest ones. How sweet are they on Victoria?!

November 28, 2014 - 12:28 am

Sondra Fertig - Dear Stefanie,
WOW! Your photos of my grandkids blow me away. I am so blessed to have them in my life and blessed to have such wonderful pictures of them. You capture them perfectly! I can’t wait to see the other ones you took. Your photos will be forever treasured.

Grandma Sondra Fertig

A surprise for mom | Carlisle, PA Family Portrait Photographer

Well, this session was SUPPOSED to be a Christmas surprise for mom. But you know how hard it is for kids to keep a secret. Especially when that secret involves sitting on Pappy’s antique train!

I was honored to be asked by my son’s high school soccer coach to take pictures of him and his boys as a Christmas gift for his wife while she was out shopping. Of course, we took a few with Pappy, too! It was a chilly morning, but they were champs. And huge props to dad who had everyone coordinated perfectly, brought extra outfits…you name it, it was taken care of. Does this surprise me from the coach who has all of his players  line up their soccer bags behind the bench in numerical order to make them easier to locate? No, no it does not!

I think mom will be happy, don’t you?

November 22, 2014 - 7:59 pm

Cheryl Kennedy - Beautiful!

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